Phone Case GIRO Pink
  • Phone Case GIRO Pink
  • Phone Case GIRO Pink

Phone Case GIRO Pink


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Customized Phone Case with your favorite pro cycling jersey. 

These phone cases are designed and customized in our workshop in Roubaix, in France, capital of pro cycling! For a top finish and a great look!

Premium Quality: in silicon, flexible for a sporty use! Impact resistant and protected from scratches are the key words for this product.

Product customisation

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  • 250 char. max
  • 250 char. max
Modèle de smartphone


Note that the image presented is published for information. Each mobile phone is different, your product may be different: from one phone case to another, the bib can be placed on the right or left for example.

Our job is, for sure, to adapt the design developped by Cycl'Art to each model keeping in mind that the look remains harmonious.

If your smartphone is not listed here, choose the option "Autres" and when you validate your order, put a comment with the model of your smartphone.

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